Articles Written By: tinyhu

This author has written 36 articles
Why I Love Photography

Why I Love Photography

Everyone has a story to tell about how they got into photography. This is my story. The passion for photography clicked in me when I was a teenager. In fact, it was stoked by the photographs I saw in National Geographic and travel shows on television.
Powerful Portraits of Enormous Ocean Waves

Powerful Portraits of Enormous Ocean Waves

Photography is my favorite hobby. My dream is to pick up my camera and travel around the world with my family after I retire. Everyone in the world has a right to good memories. Photography remains the best way of preserving history. There is a joy that comes with looking into a picture and seeing a younger version of yourself.
Vacation in USA with the family

Vacation in USA with the family

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City landscape photography

Quisque pellentesque fringilla scelerisque. Donec porta urna eu fringilla adipiscing. Nullam id eleifend massa. Curabitur eu blandit sapien. In et nibh ornare, blandit mi vel, imperdiet dui. Aenean ante libero, semper a leo vel, ultrices porttitor sem. Nulla dignissim facilisis sapien, vitae consectetur sem semper eget. Etiam interdum libero nec enim imperdiet, feugiat dapibus nisi pretium. Donec fermentum ultrices gravida.